Dame Margaret Blackwood Soroptimist Scholarship 2025

This is a preview of the Dame Margaret Blackwood Soroptimist Scholarship 2025 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Dame Margaret Blackwood Soroptimist Scholarship

* indicates a required field.

About the Scholarship

In 1988, the University of Melbourne and Soroptimist International of the South West Pacific (‘SISWP’) conducted an appeal to establish the Dame Margaret Blackwood Soroptimist Scholarship at the University. The scholarship commemorates Dame Margaret's contribution to the international soroptimist community and celebrates her academic achievements. Dame Margaret died in 1986. She was one of the earliest members of the Soroptimist Club of Melbourne, founded in 1948, and was president from 1957 to 1959. She was well known and widely respected throughout the international soroptimist world.

The Dame Margaret Blackwood Soroptimist Scholarship provides scholarship for a female graduate research student undertaking research in the discipline of genetics – either plant, animal or viral – in the Faculty of Science at the University of Melbourne. 

Selection is made on the basis of:

  • Academic excellence in undergraduate academic results
  • Conference attendance
  • Publications
  • Contribution to humankind
  • How the scholarship will assist the applicant’s studies
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Equity grounds such as financial need

While expenditure of the funds is at the discretion of the recipient and is not restricted to research-related expenses.

The selection committee’s assessment of candidates will include their program of research in the discipline of genetics, their overall academic record, and the potential impact of the scholarship. The selection committee is particularly interested in applications from female graduate research students who are engaged in the world beyond academia.

The value of the scholarship is determined annually by the selection committee.


To be considered for this scholarship, students must:

  • Identify as a woman (cis-gender and transwomen)
  • Be enrolled in the Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Science
  • Be completing a substantial research project that aligns to plant, animal or viral genetics



Existing scholarship holders are welcome to re-apply as long as they remain eligible.  

Please fill out a student financial assessment (SFA), which will convey to the selection committee your level of financial need. 


All scholarship outcomes will be sent via SmartyGrants.

Please see outcome timing below:

  • Round 1 (Jan-March applications): May-July
  • Round 2 (June-August applications): September-October


Please ensure that you check your email inbox as well as your SPAM/Junk mail as emails may sometimes be directed to these folders.

Applicant Details

Must be a number. 
Must be an email address. 
Must be an email address. 
Gender * Required
Response required.

Course Information

Type of Degree * Required
You must be enrolled in a PhD in the Faculty of Science to receive this scholarship
PhD Program * Required
Response required.
Must be a date.