2025 Postgraduate Writing-Up Award

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Postgraduate Writing-up Application Form

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Application Details

Value: up to $5000

The Faculty of Science Postgraduate Writing-Up Awards support eligible Science research higher degree (RHD) candidates during the preparation of journal articles or books based on the graduate research thesis submitted for examination.

Graduate research students in the Faculty of Science at the University of Melbourne are eligible to apply upon submission of their RHD thesis for examination.

Please note that unlike an MRS or RTP, there are no leave provisions attached to this award. If this raises any concerns for you, please contact science-awards@unimelb.edu.au


• Eligible candidates must have submitted their thesis within THREE YEARS AND TEN MONTHS (FTE). Approved leave periods are not included in this. 

• The awardee may not hold a similar award for the same purpose; awards cannot be deferred.

• Awardees should not undertake full-time or substantial regular part-time employment during the tenure of the award (more than 20 hours per week is considered ‘substantial regular parttime work’).

• The award does not assist students during the writing up of their thesis for submission.

• The candidature must not have been lapsed.

• Eligible international students must commit to spending at least 66% of their time in Melbourne during the writing up of articles and must ensure that their visa allows them to stay in the country – upon submission of their thesis they are an un-enrolled student. International students must also comply with any contractual obligations they may owe to an employer or sponsor, particularly those obligations relating to the period to be spent in their home country following completion of their studies. Students returning to their home country following submission of their thesis will not be eligible to apply unless they meet the requirements noted above (ie. 66% of their time in Melbourne).

Please note that as of April 2020, if you have had your submission delayed by the circumstances around COVID-19 and thus missed the 3 years and 10 month deadline, please outline the impact in your application and it will be considered.

Must be an email address. 
Must be a date. 
Must be a date. 
Must be a date. 
Degree type
Note: only Master of Philosophy and PhD students are eligible.

Type of Masters (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Degree type" on page 1

Type of PhD (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Degree type" on page 1

Application Form

Are you completing your RHD in the Faculty of Science? (If no, you are not eligible to apply) * Required
b) Have you submitted your thesis? (If no, you are not eligible to apply) * Required
If you have submitted your thesis, have you received your examiner comments or been advised of your result? (If yes, you are not eligible to apply) * Required
Are you undertaking more than 20 hours of paid work per week? (If yes, you are not eligible to apply) * Required
Does the submission of your RHD thesis fall within the maximum candidature period? (If no, you are not eligible to apply) * Required

As of April 2020, if you have had your submission delayed by the circumstances around COVID-19 and thus missed submission  deadline, please outline the impact in your application and it will be considered.

Attach a file: Select stored file
    Has your candidature lapsed (if yes, you are not eligible to apply) * Required
    Is the purpose of this award for writing up articles based on your thesis? (If no, you are not eligible to apply) * Required

    Writing-up Proposal

    Please attach below

    • a proposal consisting of writing plan and timeline 
    • drafts of the manuscripts to be completed

    Please note you may submit one or two manuscripts to be considered, however, the number of manuscripts may affect the amount awarded should the applicant be successful. 

    Attach a file: Select stored file
      Attach a file: Select stored file
        Attach a file: Select stored file

          Please note that in order to be eligible to receive the full $5000 value of the award, you must submit two draft articles. If you submit one article, you will receive less than $5000 if your application is successful.

          Endorsement by Supervisor

          Supervisors are required to provide a detailed endorsement of the application and the nature of the work proposed by the applicant. The endorsement must justify the application and confirm that the applicant has proposed an achievable schedule for the production of papers and that these papers constitute a worthwhile contribution to the relevant area of study. Lack of appropriate supervisor endorsement  will impact on the outcome of the application. (Max 200 words).  Please note: Applications that do not include a written recommendation from a supervisor will not be considered.

          Attach a file: Select stored file

            Curriculum Vitae

            CV Guidelines

            Applicants should note that, where relevant, the following headings should be included in the accompanying CV. Where appropriate, all details should be provided in chronological order commencing with the most recent entry.

            • First Name
            • Date of Birth
            • Full details of education including details of current postgraduate and past undergraduate training
            • Details of awards, prizes or scholarships recieved (including $ amounts)
            • Details of professional affiliations
            • Details of professional activities
            • Details of any teaching roles - e.g. demonstrating, tutoring etc
            • Details of presentations at scientific conferences and invited talks


            Published works organised in the following categories. Please indicate your contribution to the published work and the ranking of the publication within the discipline. Please do not list works submitted, under review or in preparation.

            • Original refereed publications
            • Full published conference proceedings
            • Reviews
            • Chapters and Monographs
            • Conference Abstracts
            • Other Publications
            Attach a file: Select stored file

              Declaration by candidate

              I understand that by accepting paid employment during the tenure of the award I may affect my eligibility for the Postgraduate Writing-Up Award. * Required
              I agree to write up the papers as outlined in the attached manuscript plan while a recipient of the award. * Required
              I agree to acknowledge either the Albert Shimmins Postgraduate Writing-Up Award or the David Hay Postgraduate Writing-Up Award (University of Melbourne) in all publications resulting from this award. * Required
              I agree to complete an Award Impact Form when the awarding period has concluded. * Required
              I will inform the Associate Dean (Research & Industry) of the Faculty of Science of any changes that may affect my eligibility for the award. * Required
              I declare that the information and content provided in this submission are true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false information, misrepresentation, or failure to disclose relevant details may result in review and possible corrective actions. By submitting, I confirm my agreement to adhere to all policies, guidelines, and terms associated with this submission. * Required

              Finding this Scholarship

              How did you hear about this scholarship? * Required
              Response required.
              Please select all that applies.


              The information on this form is being collected by the University of Melbourne for the purpose of grant assessment, administration and evaluation. The information will be used by authorised staff for the purpose for which it was collected, and will be protected against unauthorised access and use.

              The University of Melbourne is committed to protecting personal information provided by you in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic). All information collected by the University is governed by the University’s Privacy Policy. For further information about how the University deals with personal information or to access your information, please refer to the University’s Privacy Policy or contact the University’s Privacy Officer at privacy-officer@unimelb.edu.au

              View our privacy statement

              Student Conduct Policy (MPF1324).

              Now that you have finished your application, please make sure you press the SUBMIT button below.

              If you have any questions regarding your application, please contact: science-awards@unimelb.edu.au