Jean Laby Women in Physics Travel Award 2024 - Round 2

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Jean Laby Women in Physics Travel Award

* indicates a required field.

About the Scholarships

The late Dr Laby was a demonstrator, senior demonstrator, lecturer and researcher in Physics at the University from approximately 1940 to 1961. The donor and the late Dr Laby are the daughters of Thomas Howell Laby, former professor and head of the school of Physics at the University. The Laby Foundation was established in 2010 to support students and academics in Physics in memoriam of the late professor, and has sponsored a set of travelling scholarships for students.

The Jean Laby Women in Physics Travel Awards support travel to enhance the research program of two women PhD students per year.

Two awards are made each year at $5,000 each.

  • The first award is made on the basis of academic merit. All students will be automatically considered for the first award. 
  • The second award has a gender equity focus. The selection committee will consider the degree to which the award will enhance gender equity. Preference is given to students who have primary care responsibilities, or other compelling circumstances, and to students in their first or second year of PhD. 

Note:  Graduate Researchers need to apply for Study Away if travelling for research-related activities away from the University.


To be eligible for this scholarship, you need to:

  • Be confirmed as a PhD candidate in the School of Physics
  • Identify as a Women
  • Provide a short statement of endorsement from your supervisor
  • Be undertaking travel for a research related purpose. If you are requesting conference funds, you must be presenting research results.

Funds must be spent within a year of award, and within one month of completion of the funded activity, recipients must submit a one page report which summarises the activity, benefit, and confirms how the funds were spent.

Travel plans to be approved by supervisor under the University’s Study Away conditions


All scholarship outcomes will be sent via SmartyGrants.

Please see outcome timing below:

  • Round 1 (Jan-March applications): May-July
  • Round 2 (June-August applications): September-October


Please ensure that you check your email inbox as well as your SPAM/Junk mail as emails may sometimes be directed to these folders.

Applicant Details

Must be a number. 
Must be an email address. 
Must be an email address. 
Gender * Required
Response required.
Please provide pronouns if 'Other'.

Area of Study (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Type of Degree" on page 1

Must be a date.