Impact Statement 2023

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Faculty of Science Impact Report


Congratulations on receiving a Faculty of Science research award this year, which was made possible through a philanthropic gift to the University of Melbourne.

As part of our compliance reporting and our feedback to donors, we would like to better understand the impact of this award on you and your research.

If you encounter any issues with this form, please email

Data from this application is handled in accordance with the University of Melbourne‘s Privacy Policy. For more information, please see the University’s privacy website.

Researcher Details


Research Project

Word count:
Must be no more than 200 words. 
Word count:
Must be no more than 200 words. 
Word count:
Must be no more than 200 words. 
Will there be students directly involved in the research project supported by this award?
Word count:
Must be no more than 300 words. 
Word count:
Must be no more than 200 words. 
Attach a file: Select stored file

    Media Support

    Do you have new research coming out or a research project nearing completion? Contact the faculty’s strategic communication team. They can help determine the best communication and media outreach to tell your research impact, provide media training and build your profile as a leading expert. Advance warning of at least two weeks will help optimise results. Contact