G.A.M. Scott Research Award 2025

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G.A.M. Scott Research Award Application form

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About the Scholarship

The Foundation, family, friends and colleagues of the late George Anderson Macdonald Scott, BA BSc(Hons) PhD DSc FLS, who died in 1998. The Foundation also received a bequest from the estate of the late Dr Helen J Hewson. Donations have been received on a regular basis since then from the Foundation’s annual giving program. In 2014,  further donation was also received from the estate of the late Royce Ann Scott, presented to the Foundation by her sons Hamish, Iain, George and Dougal Scott. Dr Scott was an internationally renowned plant ecologist and bryologist. From 1986 to 1992, he was Master of Queen’s College at the University, and from then until his death in 1998, a research fellow with the former school of Botany. He is remembered for his pioneering books on the mosses and liverworts of southern Australia.

Established by the School of Botany Foundation in honour of G.A.M. Scott's contribution to Australian bryology and plant ecology. Dr Scott was an internationally renowned plant ecologist and bryologist. From 1986 to 1992, he was Master of Queen’s College at the University, and from then until his death in 1998, a research fellow with the former school of Botany. He is remembered for his pioneering books on the mosses and liverworts of southern Australia.


To be eligible for this scholarship, you need to:

  • Be a postgraduate student or an honours (or equivalent) student, in the discipline of botany within the school of Bioscience, and
  • Be undertaking research that involves field work in the areas of either bryophytes or ecology, with particular preference being given to research work involving bryophytes.

Selection criteria

The scholarship is offered to the student(s) ranked highest by the selection panel based on their research project and personal statement. 


All scholarship outcomes will be sent via SmartyGrants.

Please see outcome timing below:

  • Round 1 (Jan-March applications): May-July
  • Round 2 (June-August applications): September-October


Please ensure that you check your email inbox as well as your SPAM/Junk mail as emails may sometimes be directed to these folders.

Applicant Details

Must be a number. 
Must be an email address. 
Must be an email address. 

Course information

Area of Study (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Type of Degree" on page 1

Area of Study (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Type of Degree" on page 1

Area of Study (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Type of Degree" on page 1