The Foundation, family, friends and colleagues of the late George Anderson Macdonald Scott, BA BSc(Hons) PhD DSc FLS, who died in 1998. The Foundation also received a bequest from the estate of the late Dr Helen J Hewson. Donations have been received on a regular basis since then from the Foundation’s annual giving program. In 2014, further donation was also received from the estate of the late Royce Ann Scott, presented to the Foundation by her sons Hamish, Iain, George and Dougal Scott. Dr Scott was an internationally renowned plant ecologist and bryologist. From 1986 to 1992, he was Master of Queen’s College at the University, and from then until his death in 1998, a research fellow with the former school of Botany. He is remembered for his pioneering books on the mosses and liverworts of southern Australia.