The Foundation (from untied funds), in memory of the late Dr Ethel Irene McLennan BSc (Melb) 1915, DSc (Melb)1921. Donations have been received on a regular basis since then from the Foundation’s annual giving program. Ethel Fund McLennan was one of the first generation of Biological Sciences students to graduate under Baldwin Spencer. She joined the staff of the then school of Botany as a demonstrator and lecturer in 1915, following her graduation as BSc with first class honours and distinction in Botany and Zoology. She was awarded her DSc in 1927 and appointed Associate Professor in 1931, a position she held until 1955. She was acting head of the then school in Botany following the death of the Foundation Professor of Botany, Alfred Ewart in 1937, until the appointment of Professor Turner in 1938. Dr McLennan specialised in mycology and plant pathology, and was awarded the David Syme Research Prize in 1927. She retired in 1957, and died in 1983.