BIO-Travel grant or Laptop funding for Graduate Research Students 2025

This is a preview of the BIO-Travel grant or Laptop funding for Graduate Research Students 2025 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

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School of BioSciences Graduate Research Travel Grant or Laptop Funding

* indicates a required field.

About the Travel Grant or Laptop Funding

The School of BioSciences offers a one-off financial support for Graduate Research candidates who have enrolled prior 2025 within the School to attend and participate in an international or domestic conferences or to acquire a computer/ laptop.


Candidates must:

  • must be currently enrolled (PhD or MPhil)
  • must complete their course (PhD or MPhil) within their course timeline
  • have written supervisor approval
  • provide all tax invoices for related expenses occurred

Funding available

  • up to $2,000 (PhD candidates)
  • up to $1,000 (MPhil candidates)

Please note, for candidates who commenced prior to January 2017 the funds available for PhD candidates $1,500 and MPhil candidates $750.

Application Details

Must be a number. 
Must be an email address. 
Must be an Australian phone number. 
Please indicate which course you are currently enrolled: * Required
Response required.
Must be a date. When did you start your course?
Must be a date. When do you expect to complete your course?
What type funding? * Required
Response required.
If you are granted Laptop funding, your primary supervisor must agree to fund any future conference travel.
Must be a dollar amount. Please note that you can only be granted funds (up to $2000) for Travel or Laptop.

If you are applying for a Travel Grant you must complete the following:

Please advise whether you are attending:
Attach a file: Select stored file
    Have you completed your risk assessment, insurance paperwork and Study away form?
    You must complete the above requirements before submitting your application and before you travel.

    Primary Supervisor's details and approval/ support for Travel grant and Laptop funding

    Must be an email address. 
    Attach a file: Select stored file
      Please note if you are applying for Laptop funding, your primary supervisor must agree to fund any future conference travel during your candidature.

      Tax invoice for related expenses (Travel or Laptop)

      Attach a file: Select stored file
        For any foreign currency/transactions, provide the AUD currency conversion. To do this visit this website . It is advised to take screenshots of the conversions and add them as an attachment with your tax invoice receipt(s).

        Certification - Travel Grant or Laptop Funding

        I certify that to the best of my knowledge the statements made within this application are true and correct, and I understand that if the application is approved for this grant/ funding, I will complete my course (PhD or MPhil) within the course timeline.  If I withdraw from the course (PhD or MPhil) before being confirmed  I will be returning  the grant/ funding back to the School of BioSciences.

        I agree * Required
        Response required.